Friday, July 15, 2011

Stay Tuned…. I’m back

Wow I cannot even believe I haven’t posted anything since 2010. WTF, I am the blogging slacker extraordinaire!! LMAO well shit I am back and I’ve got lots to blog, vent, post, praise, and well shit to talk about. Sooooooo much has happened (well duh bitch it’s been like forever) I don’t even know where to start.  

I actually had to go back and read where I left off in my tales of my crazy ass life... Still cannot believe it’s been so long! Holy shit! Ok so enough about that. As I had said before I never want to blog simply just to blog I want my content to reflect how I feel at that moment, and be a personal RX for me to get to a better place. I am still and most likely will always be a work in progress. I have had so much change; ups and downs and what I call a crazy whirlwind of things happen in these very long months that until now even I have been unable to get a handle on it all. I am ready now to put all of it into perspective and get it down in writing. I still have the inner struggle to understand why it all is what it is and I may never find an answer but I must try.  

So welcome back, sit tight and stay tuned we have a lot to catch up on!

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